
As a first step towards modernizing work processes, dematerialization involves the conversion of original documents from physical to digital format and the issuance of original documents in digital format. Without even mentioning the advantage of computerized processing of the data contained in these documents, one may ask what are the advantages and disadvantages of dematerialization.

While this may seem obvious, the risks and opportunities associated with dematerialization come down to the intrinsic properties of these types of documents.

With today's systems, a digital document will be more quickly and easily accessible; if necessary, there are very powerful search tools. Not to mention that a physical document is only available in one place, whereas a digital document can be consulted remotely or transmitted immediately to a correspondent. Even when archived, a digital document remains immediately accessible.

With the help of networks, a digital document can be consulted simultaneously by several people in different locations. The ease with which it can be duplicated also makes it possible to guarantee its availability by setting up redundancies : unlike the physical document, copying a digital document does not compromise its authenticity. This feature can be problematic if the document is cancelled or outdated by a newer version : it is then more difficult to ensure that previous versions have really been destroyed.

Protecting the document's integrity depends on circumstances. Appropriate preservation of physical records ensures their integrity. Unfortunately, however, this is not always the case, particularly during their transport or in the event of major risks (fire, theft, etc.). Without special precautions, a digital document can easily be modified ; a digital copy of an original physical document is also legally considered as a copy. Nevertheless, there are solutions that guarantee the authenticity of a digital document with much greater assurance than for physical documents ; electronic documents obtained with such tools also have the same legal validity as signed physical documents.

Without control measures, electronic documents carry a significant risk of inappropriate use (hacking, unauthorised access, etc.). It is yet possible to implement technical procedures and constraints to protect against malicious use or data leakage. To obtain a strong insurance, it is recommended to call a specialist.

Although the dematerialization of documents requires resources, it generally frees up space (which represents costs) and greatly facilitates daily work. Finally, it conveys to third parties an image of modernity for the company.

Dematerialization according to Wikipedia:,fichiers%20informatiques%20et%20des%20ordinateurs


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